The West African Monsoon (WAM) is characterized by strong decadal and multi-decadal variability and the impacts can be catastrophic for the local populations. One of the factors put forward to explain this variability involves the role of atmospheric dynamics, linked in particular to the Saharan Heat Low (SHL). This article addresses this question by comparing the sets of preindustrial control and historical simulation data from climate models carried out in the framework of the CMIP5 project and observations data over the 20th century. Through multivariate statistical analyses, it was established that decadal modes of ocean variability and decadal variability of Saharan atmospheric dynamics significantly influence decadal variability of monsoon precipitation. These results also suggest the existence of external anthropogenic forcing, which is superimposed on the decadal natural variability inducing an intensification of the signal in the historical simulations compared to preindustrial control simulations. We have also shown that decadal rainfall variability in the Sahel, once the influence of oceanic modes has been eliminated, appears to be driven mainly by the activity of the Arabian Heat Low (AHL) in the central Sahel, and by the structure of the meridional temperature gradient over the inter-tropical Atlantic in the western Sahel.
Adjoua Moïse Landry FamienSandrine DjakouréBi Tra Jean Claude YouanSerge JanicotAbé Delfin OchouArona Diedhiou
Coastal hazards induced by meteo-marine forcing are exacerbated by sea level change along the West African coastline. Changes in sea level are induced by ocean processes such as ocean heat content and river discharge. However, although these processes control largely change in sea level, they remain poorly understood. This study analyzes changes in ocean heat content, river discharge, and sea level and establishes an interconnection between these parameters using several statistical methods over the 1993-2021 period. Results showed a significant correlation between sea level and ocean heat content at 2000 m depth. The yearly minimum value appears in July from Cote d’Ivoire to Benin, whilst this value appears in June in Nigeria. The temporal variability of ocean heat content, river discharge and sea level along the West African coastline exhibits three or four periods interrupted by some breakpoints with unequal duration. The results indicate that the 1993-2000 period was dominated by an increasing ocean heat content along the coastline, while the period after the 2000s exhibits mostly a decreasing trend. Positive and negative trends characterized river discharge and sea level along this coastline. The result of multiple linear regression between sea level, river discharge and ocean heat content is a good approximation of sea level trend along the West African coastline. The results of this study could be used to predict future sea level trends along the coast.
Anoumou R. TanoSandrine DjakouréKouamé J. KoffiYves KouadioYao TchetcheDonatus B. AngnuurengAngora AmanFrançois-Xavier B. D. BouoAppeaning Addo