搜索到6503篇“ STRAWBERRY“的相关文章
Real-Time Detection and Instance Segmentation of Strawberry in Unstructured Environment
The real-time detection and instance segmentation of strawberries constitute fundamental components in the development of strawberry harvesting robots.Real-time identification of strawberries in an unstructured envi-ronment is a challenging task.Current instance segmentation algorithms for strawberries suffer from issues such as poor real-time performance and low accuracy.To this end,the present study proposes an Efficient YOLACT(E-YOLACT)algorithm for strawberry detection and segmentation based on the YOLACT framework.The key enhancements of the E-YOLACT encompass the development of a lightweight attention mechanism,pyramid squeeze shuffle attention(PSSA),for efficient feature extraction.Additionally,an attention-guided context-feature pyramid network(AC-FPN)is employed instead of FPN to optimize the architecture’s performance.Furthermore,a feature-enhanced model(FEM)is introduced to enhance the prediction head’s capabilities,while efficient fast non-maximum suppression(EF-NMS)is devised to improve non-maximum suppression.The experimental results demonstrate that the E-YOLACT achieves a Box-mAP and Mask-mAP of 77.9 and 76.6,respectively,on the custom dataset.Moreover,it exhibits an impressive category accuracy of 93.5%.Notably,the E-YOLACT also demonstrates a remarkable real-time detection capability with a speed of 34.8 FPS.The method proposed in this article presents an efficient approach for the vision system of a strawberry-picking robot.
Chengjun WangFan DingYiwen WangRenyuan WuXingyu YaoChengjie JiangLiuyi Ling
Strawberry (Fragaria spp.): Cultivation, Production, Consumption, and Marketing in Cameroon
Strawberry (Fragaria spp.) is one of the most important fruits classified as exotic fruits imported into Cameroon. To have an inventory of its cultivation in Cameroon, a survey study was carried out among eight farms of Fragaria spp. from January 2021 to February 2022. The plant was introduced in Cameroon in 2018. There are 13 varieties of Fragaria spp. currently cultivated. Among these 13 varieties, eleven are hybrids of Fragaria x ananassa (“Amiga”, “Amine”, “Camarosa”, “Chandler”, “Charlotte”, “Elsanta”, “Gariguette”, “Madame Moutot”, “Ostara”, “Ruby gem” and “San Andreas”), and two of the hybrids of Fragaria vesca (“Maestro” and “Mara des bois”). The cropping system, irrigation system, and type of fertilizers applied differ from one strawberry farm to another. Biofertilizers (such as mycorrhizal), inorganic and organic fertilizers are actually used to improve production. The potential annual production of strawberries from January 2021 to February 2022, estimated based on the survey data, was 21.216 tons for all growers. Among these eight production farms, the Lolodorf BIO Farm presents 6000 kg (six tons) of strawberries and 100,000 stolons (seedlings) produced, from seven varieties of Fragaria spp. cultivated, with 6 varieties which are hybrids variety Fragaria x ananassa (“Amiga”, “Amine”, “Chandler”, “Gariguette”, “Madame Moutot”, and “Ruby gem”), and one which is a hybrid of Fragaria vesca (“Mara des bois”). Certain diseases were also observed and recorded depending on the growing areas.
Djeuani Astride CaroleMoutamal Djem Rose Theophine DerrickaMbouobda Hermann DésiréAbdoulaye SouaibouMeliga Essimi CélestineBouopda Nono JoëlAnafack Donasson DiorilMessouang Bernard DidierNdongo III Boris CharlenKaffo EmmanuelKamga Fossouo Anselme XavierTiki Antoine Marie KevinNyimiebolo Bengono Audrey MaguyManuela Diobe MotassyAdounga Samuel BriceAmama Amama BenjaminNshanji JonesPanguepko Fendju ChristopheNzie OussenaNguetrapouna IssofaMpon Ikoyin LindaNKouéya Christelle LadoneAmang Amang A. ZiemNiemenak Nicolas
Management of Strawberry Grey Mold Disease Using Biocontrol Agents and Plant Extracts
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a significant global soft fruit crop, prized for its nutrient content and pleasant flavor. However, diseases, particularly grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. poses major constraints to strawberry production and productivity. Grey mold severely impacts fruit quality and quantity, diminishing market value. This study evaluated five B. cinerea isolates from various locations in the Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya. All isolates were pathogenic, with isolate SGM 2 identified as highly virulent. Host range studies showed the pathogen-producing symptoms in the fava bean pods, marigold, gerbera, and chrysanthemum flowers and in the fava bean, gerbera, and lettuce leaves. In vitro tests revealed that neem extract (15% w/v) achieved the highest mycelial growth inhibition at 76.66%, while black turmeric extract (5% w/v) had the lowest inhibition at 9.62%. Dual culture methods with bio-control agents indicated that Bacillus subtilis recorded the highest mean inhibition at 77.03%, while Pseudomonas fluorescens had the lowest at 20.36% against the two virulent isolates. Pot evaluations demonstrated that B. subtilis resulted in the lowest percent disease index at 20.59%, followed by neem extract at 23.31%, with the highest disease index in the control group at 42.51%. Additionally, B. subtilis significantly improved plant growth, yielding an average of 0.32 kg compared to 0.14 kg in the control. The promising results of B. subtilis and neem leaf extract from this study suggest their potential for eco-friendly managing grey mold in strawberries under field conditions.
P. Sakthi PriyaSrushtideep AngidiUday Kumar TheraS. V. NandeeshaThangaswamy Rajesh
Effect of K Fertilizer on Absorption of Mineral Elements in Greenhouse-grown Strawberry Fruits
[Objectives]The paper was to explore the effect of K fertilizer on the absorption of mineral elements in greenhouse-grown strawberry fruits.[Methods]A systematic investigation was conducted on the effects of K fertilizer dosage levels on the absorption of mineral elements in Fengxiang strawberries,an excellent variety suitable for cultivation in Anhui Province.The investigation was carried out under medium N and P conditions in a greenhouse.[Results]The N content of strawberry fruits increased as the K_(2)O dosage increased within the range of 0-250 kg/hm^(2).Similarly,the P content of strawberry fruits increased gradually with the increase of K_(2)O dosage within the range of 0-125 kg/hm^(2).[Conclusions]This study presents a basis for enhancing the absorption of mineral elements in strawberry fruit by applying K appropriately.
Dehua CHEN
浙江是中国草莓主要种植区。为明确引起浙江省建德市草莓茎基腐病的病原菌,筛选有效防治药剂,本研究从浙江省建德草莓基地采集具有草莓茎基腐病典型症状的样本,进行病原菌分离鉴定,并对病原物的生物学特性、寄主范围和防治药剂展开研究。结果显示,从茎基部病健交界处分离出形态一致的黄色、圆形、粘稠状、透明锃亮,散发刺激性气味的菌落,经形态学、分子生物学和生理生化特性鉴定,确定该病原菌为菠萝泛菌(Pantoea ananatis)。该病原菌适合在中性及偏碱性环境生长,最适生长pH值为8,最适生长盐浓度为1%~5%,最适生长温度为28℃。经寄主致病性测定发现,P.ananatis草莓致病菌株还能够侵染番茄、辣椒、西瓜和水稻,但对白菜、西兰花和豆角没有致病性,且与P.ananatis水稻致病菌株的致病性有明显差异。室内防治药剂筛选发现在20种供试药剂中有4种对P.ananatis具有抑菌效果,其中50%福美双可湿性粉剂抑菌效果最好,抑制中浓度(EC_(50))值为20.8057 mg·L^(-1),可作为防治草莓茎基腐病的主选药剂。研究结果为后续草莓茎基腐病有效防治提供了理论依据,同时为研究P.ananatis的致病机理提供了参考。
FaSnRK1a mediates salicylic acid pathways to enhance strawberry resistance to Botrytis cinerea
Strawberry is a major fruit crop worldwide because its nutritional and health benefits to human health,but its productivity is limited by Botrytis cinerea.Sucrose nonfermentation 1-related protein kinase 1(SnRK1)has a defense function against pathogens,but the function of SnRK1 in the defense response to B.cinerea in plants is still unclear.In this study,FaSnRK1a-OE and RNAi fruits were constructed and then inoculated with B.cinerea.The result reveals a positive role of Fa SnRK1a in the regulation of resistance to gray mold.FaSnRK1a affects SA content by regulating FaPAL1 and FaPAL2 expressions.The genes related to the SA signaling pathway(FaTGA1 and FaTGA2.1)were significantly increased/decreased in FaSnRK1a-OE or FaSnRK1a-RNAi fruit,respectively.FaSnRK1a interacted with the FaWRKY33.2 protein and negatively regulated FaWRKY33.2 expression,and FaWRKY33.2 acts as a repressor of disease resistance to B.cinerea.Finally,FaSnRK1a regulates the expression of six PR genes and the activities of antioxidant enzymes to boost defense response after B.cinerea inoculation.Our findings showed that FaSnRK1a increases the resistance of strawberry fruit to B.cinerea via SA signaling pathway and interaction with the FaWRKY33.2 transcription factor.
Jingjing LuoWenying YuYuansong XiaoYafei ZhangFutian Peng
DNA methylation controlling abscisic acid catabolism responds to light to mediate strawberry fruit ripening
Phytohormones,epigenetic regulation and environmental factors regulate fruit ripening but their interplay during strawberry fruit ripening remains to be determined.In this study,bagged strawberry fruit exhibited delayed ripening compared with fruit grown in normal light,correlating with reduced abscisic acid(ABA) accumulation.Transcription of the key ABA catabolism gene,ABA 8′-hydroxylase FaCYP707A4,was induced in bagged fruit.With light exclusion whole genome DNA methylation levels were up-regulated,corresponding to a delayed ripening process,while DNA methylation levels in the promoter of FaCYP707A4 were suppressed,correlating with increases in transcript and decreased ABA content.Experiments indicated FaCRY1,a blue light receptor repressed in bagged fruit and FaAGO4,a key protein involved in RNA-directed DNA methylation,could bind to the promoter of FaCYP707A4.The interaction between FaCRY1 and FaAGO4,and an increased enrichment of FaAGO4 directed to the FaCYP707A4 promoter in fruit grown under light suggests FaCRY1 may influence FaAGO4 to modulate the DNA methylation status of the FaCYP707A4 promoter.Furthermore,transient overexpression of FaCRY1,or an increase in FaCRY1 transcription by blue light treatment,increases the methylation level of the FaCYP707A4 promoter,while transient RNA interference of FaCRY1 displayed opposite phenotypes.These findings reveal a mechanism by which DNA methylation influences ABA catabolism,and participates in light-mediated strawberry ripening.
Yunfan SunXiaofang YangRongrong WuShouzheng LvYunduan LiHaoran JiaYuying YangBaijun LiWenbo ChenAndrew C.AllanGuihua JiangYan-Na ShiKunsong Chen


研究主题:草莓 高架 高架栽培 草莓新品种 栽培技术
研究主题:草莓 杀菌剂 大棚草莓 咪鲜胺 水稻
研究主题:稻飞虱 单剂 用药量 小麦赤霉病 咪鲜胺
研究主题:杀菌剂 单剂 小麦赤霉病 用药量 复配
研究主题:草莓 无花果 高架 草莓新品种 砂梨