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Transient Monte Carlo simulation of phonon transport in silicon nanofilms with the local heat source
Accurate prediction of junction temperature is crucial for the efficient thermal design of silicon nano-devices. In nano-scale semiconductor devices, significant ballistic effects occur due to the mean free path of phonons comparable to the heat source size and device scale. We employ a three-dimensional non-gray Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the transient heat conduction of silicon nanofilms with both single and multiple heat sources. The accuracy of the present method is first verified in the ballistic and diffusion limits. When a single local heat source is present, the width of the heat source has a significant impact on heat conduction in the domain. Notably, there is a substantial temperature jump at the boundary when the heat source width is 10 nm.With increasing heat source width, the boundary temperature jump weakens. Furthermore, we observe that the temperature excitation rate is independent of the heat source width, while the temperature influence range expands simultaneously with the increase in heat source width. Around 500 ps, the temperature and heat flux distribution in the domain stabilize. In the case of dual heat sources, the hot zone is broader than that of a single heat source, and the temperature of the hot spot decreases as the heat source spacing increases. However, the mean heat flux remains unaffected. Upon reaching a spacing of 200 nm between the heat sources, the peak temperature in the domain remains unchanged once a steady state is reached. These findings hold significant implications for the thermal design of silicon nano-devices with local heat sources.
LI JiaQiCAI JiuQingLI RuiLIU ZhiChunLIU Wei
Rapid and controllable in-situ self-assembly of main-group metal nanofilms for highly efficient CO_(2)electroreduction to liquid fuel in flow cells
The electrocatalytic reduction of CO_(2)is a promising pathway to generate renewable fuels and chemicals.However,its advancement is impeded by the absence of electrocatalysts with both high selectivity and stability.Here,we present a scalable in-situ thermal evaporation technique for synthesizing series of Bi,In,and Sn nanofilms on carbon felt(CF)substrates with a high-aspect-ratio structure.The resulting main-group metal nanofilms exhibit a homogeneously distributed and highly exposed catalyst surface with ample active sites,thereby promoting mass transport and ad-/desorption of reaction intermediates.Benefiting from the unique fractal morphology,the Bi nanofilms deposited on CF exhibit optimal catalytic activities for CO_(2)electroreduction among the designed metal nanofilms electrodes,with the highest Faradaic efficiency of 96.9%for formate production at−1.3 V vs.reversible hydrogen electrode(RHE)in H-cell.Under an industrially relevant current density of 221.4 mA·cm−2 in flow cells,the Bi nanofilms retain a high Faradaic efficiency of 81.7%at−1.1 V(vs.RHE)and a good long-term stability for formate production.Furthermore,a techno-economic analysis(TEA)model shows the potential commercial viability of electrocatalytic CO_(2)conversion into formate using the Bi nanofilms catalyst.Our results offer a green and convenient approach for in-situ fabrication of stable and inexpensive thin-film catalysts with a fractal structure applicable to various industrial settings.
Miao WangHuaizhu WangYaoda WangJunchuan LiangMengfei ZhuJiarui LiZuoxiu TieZhong Jin
Generation of lossy mode resonances(LMR)using perovskite nanofilms
The results presented here show for the first time the experimental demonstration of the fabrication of lossy mode resonance(LMR) devices based on perovskite coatings deposited on planar waveguides. Perovskite thin films have been obtained by means of the spin coating technique and their presence was confirmed by ellipsometry, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction testing. The LMRs can be generated in a wide wavelength range and the experimental results agree with the theoretical simulations. Overall, this study highlights the potential of perovskite thin films for the development of novel LMR-based devices that can be used for environmental monitoring, industrial sensing, and gas detection, among other applications.
Dayron ArmasIgnacio R.MatiasM.Carmen Lopez-GonzalezCarlos Ruiz ZamarreñoPablo ZubiateIgnacio del VillarBeatriz Romero
铜纳米薄膜在微电子器件中应用广泛。然而,纳米尺度的铜表面极易发生氧化,影响铜纳米薄膜的电学性能。利用物理气相沉积方法制备了铜纳米薄膜,研究了基底粗糙度对铜纳米薄膜电学性能退化的影响,发现基底粗糙度越大,铜的电学性能退化越快。通过在铜纳米薄膜的表面蒸镀铝纳米薄膜对铜纳米薄膜进行防护,研究了铝纳米薄膜厚度对其在不同环境下防护效果的影响,结果显示铝膜厚度越大,对铜纳米薄膜的防护效果越好。通过高温破坏测试,发现铝纳米薄膜能有效地提高铜纳米薄膜的极限工作温度,当铝纳米薄膜厚度为10 nm时,可将铜纳米薄膜的极限工作温度提高2.5倍。
All‑Covalent Organic Framework Nanofilms Assembled Lithium‑Ion Capacitor to Solve the Imbalanced Charge Storage Kinetics
Free-standing covalent organic framework(COFs)nanofilms exhibit a remarkable ability to rapidly intercalate/de-intercalate Li^(+) in lithium-ion batteries,while simultaneously exposing affluent active sites in supercapacitors.The development of these nanofilms offers a promising solution to address the persistent challenge of imbalanced charge storage kinetics between battery-type anode and capacitor-type cathode in lithium-ion capacitors(LICs).Herein,for the first time,custom-made COFBTMB-TP and COFTAPB-BPY nanofilms are synthesized as the anode and cathode,respectively,for an all-COF nanofilm-structured LIC.The COFBTMB-TP nanofilm with strong electronegative–CF3 groups enables tuning the partial electron cloud density for Li^(+) migration to ensure the rapid anode kinetic process.The thickness-regulated cathodic COFTAPB-BPY nanofilm can fit the anodic COF nanofilm in the capacity.Due to the aligned 1D channel,2D aromatic skeleton and accessible active sites of COF nanofilms,the whole COFTAPB-BPY//COFBTMB-TP LIC demonstrates a high energy density of 318 mWh cm^(−3) at a high-power density of 6 W cm^(−3),excellent rate capability,good cycle stability with the capacity retention rate of 77%after 5000-cycle.The COFTAPB-BPY//COFBTMB-TP LIC represents a new benchmark for currently reported film-type LICs and even film-type supercapacitors.After being comprehensively explored via ex situ XPS,7Li solid-state NMR analyses,and DFT calculation,it is found that the COFBTMB-TP nanofilm facilitates the reversible conversion of semi-ionic to ionic C–F bonds during lithium storage.COFBTMB-TP exhibits a strong interaction with Li^(+) due to the C–F,C=O,and C–N bonds,facilitating Li^(+) desolation and absorption from the electrolyte.This work addresses the challenge of imbalanced charge storage kinetics and capacity between the anode and cathode and also pave the way for future miniaturized and wearable LIC devices.
Xiaoyang XuJia ZhangZihao ZhangGuandan LuWei CaoNing WangYunmeng XiaQingliang FengShanlin Qiao
Cyclodextrin nanofilms with hydrophobic and hydrophilic channels for solvent permeation and molecular sieving
Nanofilms that can fast permeate solvents and accurately sieve molecules are of significant importance for separation.A promising strategy is to align the inner cavities of macrocycles into the channels within nanofilms,and control the channel size by selecting the macrocycles.However,the channels outside the macrocycles are ignored.Here,we prepare nanofilms with hydrophobic channels(cyclodextrin inner cavity)and hydrophilic channels(cyclodextrin outer space)through interfacial polymerization of azobenzene-4,4’-dicarbonyl dichloride and amino-functionalizedβ-cyclodextrin.By utilizing the significant geometric changes caused by the photoisomerization of azobenzene,nanofilms with adjustable hydrophilic channel sizes were obtained.Our nanofilms have high permeability to polar and non-polar solvents,and can distinguish molecules with almost the same molecular weight but different shapes.This work expands the development of next-generation nanofilms generated through interfacial polymerization by incorporating rational molecular design.
Kai ZhangYu DaiYongli ShiZhaoxin ZhangLinji LiXiaojin ZhangFan Xia
在磁控溅射设备上,通过改变工艺参数在硅片上镀20 nm左右的纳米铜膜,研究了斜溅射靶的不同角度变化和直溅射靶的溅射温度对纳米铜薄膜的性能影响。使用SEM、EDS、台阶仪、四探针设备对铜薄膜的表面形貌、均匀性、元素种类与含量以及导电特性进行检测。结果显示:在斜溅射条件下,随着靶的角度α增大,铜薄膜膜厚随之增加,薄膜表面整体变得更好,铜薄膜的均匀性和导电性提高;在直溅射条件下,温度参数对薄膜厚度基本没有影响,但提高了薄膜的致密性,温度越高,其均匀性越好,而导电性与薄膜厚度呈正相关,因此其导电性基本无变化。
随着科学社会的快速发展及各学科之间的相互交叉渗透,单一的铁电薄膜或磁电薄膜已经难以满足现在的应用需求,所以高性能的多铁性磁电复合薄膜受到了越来越多的关注,不仅集成了室温铁电和铁磁有序甚至集成了新颖的磁电耦合效应。本文采用溶胶凝胶法和快速退火工艺制备了优异铁电性能的Bi0.9Ce0.1Fe0.9Zn0.1O3 (BCFZO)薄膜和优异铁磁性能的Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (NZFO)薄膜,利用BCFZO的铁电性和NZFO的铁磁性复合,构成了2-2型磁电复合薄膜。并利用XRD和SEM技术研究薄膜的微观结构和晶体结构,最后采用铁电测试仪和综合物性测试系统测试复合薄膜的铁电性和铁磁性,为多铁性材料的应用提供了一种新的高性能磁电复合薄膜。
以沉积在Si[100]基底的Mo/Si多层膜为例,通过透射电镜(TEM)测量了多层膜在不同倾转角度下的界面结构,并提取了多层膜的周期厚度以及单周期中Mo层和Si层的厚度。结果表明:样品沿α方向倾转时,Mo层和Si层的测量厚度几乎没有变化,但界面粗糙度增大,这是由于旋转时薄膜的厚度方向始终与电子束垂直,而电子束穿过的TEM样品厚度Z增大;样品沿β方向倾转时,由于倾转时样品截面与电子束不垂直,造成伪影严重,无法区分Mo层和Si层,多层膜的测量总厚度随倾转角的增大先增大后减小。此外,提出了样品沿β方向倾转后测量薄膜厚度的计算公式。对于较薄的薄膜,随着倾转角β的增大,测量厚度增大;对于较厚的薄膜,随着倾转角β的增大,测量厚度先增大后减小。薄膜厚度t0越小,沿β方向倾转后测量厚度的相对误差越大。当TEM样品厚度Z为10 nm时,沿β方向倾转后测量厚度的相对误差较小。


研究主题:电沉积 分散法 电化学制备 4-硝基酚 多孔
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研究主题:纳米孔 分子动力学 分子动力学模拟 导热系数 电渗流