In this study,a novel multi-physicsmulti-scale model with the dilute multicomponent phase-field method in three-dimensional(3D)space was developed to investigate the complex microstructure evolu-tion in the molten pool during laser welding of Al-Li alloy.To accurately compute mass data within both two and three-dimensional computational domains,three efficient computing methods,including central processing unit parallel computing,adaptive mesh refinement,and moving-frame algorithm,were uti-lized.Emphasis was placed on the distinctive equiaxed-to-columnar-to-equiaxed transition phenomenon that occurs during the entire solidification process of Al-Li alloy laser welding.Simulation results indi-cated that the growth distance of columnar grains that epitaxially grew from the base metal(BM)de-creased as the nucleation rate increased.As the nucleation rate increased,the morphology of the newly formed grains near the fusion boundary(FB)changed from columnar to equiaxed,and newly formed equiaxed grains changed from having high-order dendrites to no obvious dendrite structure.When the nucleation rate was sufficiently high,non-dendritic equiaxed grains could directly form near the FB,and there was nearly no epitaxial growth from the BM.Additionally,simulation results illustrated the com-petition among multiple grains with varying orientations that grow in 3D space near the FB.Finally,how equiaxed grain bands develop was elucidated.The equiaxed band not only hindered the growth of early columnar grains but also some of its grains could grow epitaxially to form new columnar grains.These predicted results were in good agreement with experimental measurements and observations.
This study employs the regional Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting model(CWRF)to first investigate the primary physical mechanisms causing biases in simulating summer precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin(YRB),and then enhance its predictive ability through an optimal multi-physics ensemble approach.The CWRF 30-km simulations in China are compared among 28 combinations of varying physics parameterizations during 1980−2015.Long-term average summer biases in YRB precipitation are remotely correlated with those of large-scale circulations.These teleconnections of biases are highly consistent with the observed correlation patterns between interannual variations of precipitation and circulations,despite minor shifts in their primary action centers.Increased YRB precipitation aligns with a southward shifted East Asian westerly jet,an intensified low-level southerly flow south of YRB,and a south-eastward shifted South Asian high,alongside higher moisture availability over YRB.Conversely,decreased YRB precipitation corresponds to an opposite circulation pattern.The CWRF control configuration using the ensemble cumulus parameterization(ECP),compared to other cumulus schemes,best captures the observed YRB precipitation characteristics and associated circulation patterns.Coupling ECP with the Morrison or Morrison-aerosol microphysics and the CCCMA or CAML radiation schemes enhances the overall CWRF skills.Compared to the control CWRF,the ensemble average of these skill-enhanced physics configurations more accurately reproduces YRB summer precipitation’s spatial distributions,interannual anomalies,and associated circulation patterns.The Bayesian Joint Probability calibration to these configurations improves the ensemble’s spatial distributions but compromises its interannual anomalies and teleconnection patterns.Our findings highlight substantial potential for refining the representation of climate system physics to improve YRB precipitation prediction.This is notably achieved by realistically coupling cumul
Fine particulate matter produced during the rapid industrialization over the past decades can cause significant harm to human health.Twin-fluid atomization technology is an effective means of controlling fine particulate matter pollution.In this paper,the influences of the main parameters on the droplet size,effective atomization range and sound pressure level(SPL)of a twin-fluid nozzle(TFN)are investigated,and in order to improve the atomization performance,a multi-objective synergetic optimization algorithm is presented.A multi-physics coupled acousticmechanics model based on the discrete phase model(DPM),large eddy simulation(LES)model,and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings(FW-H)model is established,and the numerical simulation results of the multi-physics coupled acoustic-mechanics method are verified via experimental comparison.Based on the analysis of the multi-physics coupled acoustic-mechanics numerical simulation results,the effects of the water flow on the characteristics of the atomization flow distribution were obtained.A multi-physics coupled acoustic-mechanics numerical simulation result was employed to establish an orthogonal test database,and a multi-objective synergetic optimization algorithm was adopted to optimize the key parameters of the TFN.The optimal parameters are as follows:A gas flow of 0.94 m^(3)/h,water flow of 0.0237 m^(3)/h,orifice diameter of the self-excited vibrating cavity(SVC)of 1.19 mm,SVC orifice depth of 0.53 mm,distance between SVC and the outlet of nozzle of 5.11 mm,and a nozzle outlet diameter of 3.15 mm.The droplet particle size in the atomization flow field was significantly reduced,the spray distance improved by 71.56%,and the SPL data at each corresponding measurement point decreased by an average of 38.96%.The conclusions of this study offer a references for future TFN research.
Wenying LiYanying LiYingjie LuJinhuan XuBo ChenLi ZhangYanbiao Li
雅鲁藏布江(以下简称雅江)流域的气象水文模拟是当前全球变化研究的热点与难点.Noah-MP(the Noah land surface model with multi-parameterizations)陆面过程模式作为该区域气象水文双向耦合过程的重要数值模拟工具,鲜有研究针对其径流模拟能力进行过系统性评估,限制了模式在该区域的水文应用.本研究基于中国区域地面气象要素数据集CMFD(China Meteorological Forcing Dataset)驱动Noah-MP模式,对雅江流域2000~2018年的径流进行时空分辨率为3 h/5 km的数值模拟;选取与流域径流产生机制相关的10个主要物理过程,评估了16种参数化方案组合对于径流模拟的影响,并确定了最优参数化方案组合.结果表明:(1)采用默认参数化方案,Noah-MP在奴下站的月尺度模拟纳什效率系数NSE(Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency)为0.23、偏差百分比PBias为–35.79%,而采用基于临界温度的雨雪分离方案、改进的二流近似辐射传输方案以及基于BATS的产流方案后,PBias分别减少至–23.36%、3.85%、–17.19%,NSE分别提高至0.37、0.58、0.60,显著优于默认方案;(2)进一步基于优选方案进行组合,奴下、羊村、奴各沙的月尺度径流NSE分别提高至0.89、0.87、0.81,而最上游拉孜站NSE仅为–0.06,低于个别方案,这表明拉孜流域的产流机制可能不同于下游流域.研究结果表明,无参数率定的Noah-MP模式在雅江径流模拟中的表现较为优异,具有较高的应用潜力,未来可通过进一步改进雨雪分离、辐射传输、产流过程的参数化方案来提高模式在高寒区的径流模拟能力.