To solve the Laplacian problems,we adopt a meshless method with the multiquadric radial basis function(MQRBF)as a basis whose center is distributed inside a circle with a fictitious radius.A maximal projection technique is developed to identify the optimal shape factor and fictitious radius by minimizing a merit function.A sample function is interpolated by theMQ-RBF to provide a trial coefficient vector to compute the merit function.We can quickly determine the optimal values of the parameters within a preferred rage using the golden section search algorithm.The novel method provides the optimal values of parameters and,hence,an optimal MQ-RBF;the performance of the method is validated in numerical examples.Moreover,nonharmonic problems are transformed to the Poisson equation endowed with a homogeneous boundary condition;this can overcome the problem of these problems being ill-posed.The optimal MQ-RBF is extremely accurate.We further propose a novel optimal polynomial method to solve the nonharmonic problems,which achieves high precision up to an order of 10^(−11).
病态问题导致参数估值方差较大,在参数真值未知的情况下,难以对正则化与TSVD(truncated singular value decomposition)方法进行精度比较。针对此问题,提出一种均方误差相对比较分析方法。首先,基于正则化估值相对变化量与TSVD估值相对变化量确定二者相对于最小二乘估值的相对偏差,避免偏差计算对真值的依赖;然后,利用相对偏差以及相对标准差确定均方根误差相对下降量,通过比较相对下降量大小确定最优的解算方法;最后,通过两组实验验证均方误差相对比较分析方法的可行性与有效性。
Affected by the insufficient information of single baseline observation data,the three-stage method assumes the Ground-to-Volume Ratio(GVR)to be zero so as to invert the vegetation height.However,this assumption introduces much biases into the parameter estimates which greatly limits the accuracy of the vegetation height inversion.Multi-baseline observation can provide redundant information and is helpful for the inversion of GVR.Nevertheless,the similar model parameter values in a multi-baseline model often lead to ill-posed problems and reduce the inversion accuracy of conventional algorithm.To this end,we propose a new step-by-step inversion method applied to the multi-baseline observations.Firstly,an adjustment inversion model is constructed by using multi-baseline volume scattering dominant polarization data,and the regularized estimates of model parameters are obtained by regularization method.Then,the reliable estimates of GVR are determined by the MSE(mean square error)analysis of each regularized parameter estimation.Secondly,the estimated GVR is used to extracts the pure volume coherence,and then the vegetation height parameter is inverted from the pure volume coherence by least squares estimation.The experimental results show that the new method can improve the vegetation height inversion result effectively.The inversion accuracy is improved by 26%with respect to the three-stage method and the conventional solution of multi-baseline.All of these have demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the new method.
LIN DongfangZHU JianjunLI ZhiweiFU HaiqiangLIANG JiZHOU FangbinZHANG Bing
Let be a linear, closed, and densely defined unbounded operator, where X and Y are Hilbert spaces. Assume that A is not boundedly invertible. Suppose the equation Au=f is solvable, and instead of knowing exactly f only know its approximation satisfies the condition: In this paper, we are interested a regularization method to solve the approximation solution of this equation. This approximation is a unique global minimizer of the functional , for any , defined as follows: . We also study the stability of this method when the regularization parameter is selected a priori and a posteriori. At the same time, we give an application of this method to the weak derivative operator equation in Hilbert space.
To reduce the computational cost,we propose a regularizing modified LevenbergMarquardt scheme via multiscale Galerkin method for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems.Convergence results for the regularizing modified Levenberg-Marquardt scheme for the solution of nonlinear ill-posed problems have been proved.Based on these results,we propose a modified heuristic parameter choice rule to terminate the regularizing modified Levenberg-Marquardt scheme.By imposing certain conditions on the noise,we derive optimal convergence rates on the approximate solution under special source conditions.Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of the regularizing modified Levenberg-Marquardt scheme under the modified heuristic parameter choice.