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基于聚焦性能对经颅磁线圈的影响,针对聚焦型线圈商用不足的问题,设计一种具有高聚焦性的单通道双梯形双层线圈。首先使用球头模型分析不同尺寸、相同结构的线圈性能,得到较优的线圈尺寸;为进一步提升聚焦度,再以中尺寸线圈为研究目标,探讨五种不同结构的双层线圈与两种商用8字形线圈的性能差异,得到最优线圈的结构;最后使用50组存在个体差异性的真实脑模型进行仿真验证,分析球头模型结果的可靠性。仿真结果表明:使用球头模型时,优化后的新型线圈对比70 mm figure-8 coil的聚焦度提升了69.48%,刺激深度减少了27.18%;对比25 mm figure-8 coil的聚焦度提升了44.78%,刺激深度减少了8.5%;使用50组真实脑模型时,优化后的新型线圈对比70 mm figure-8 coil的聚焦度提升了62.07%,刺激深度减少了25.71%;对比25 mm figure-8 coil的聚焦度提升了39.49%,刺激深度减少了9.5%。两种模型仿真数据结果趋于一致,证实了仿真可靠性的同时也证明了新型线圈具有更强的刺激强度和聚焦度,能大大提升TMS治疗的安全性,减少不适感,同时单通道设计易于实现,具有较高的性能优势。
Effect of Single- versus Double-Layer Uterine Closure during Caesarean Section on Niche Formation and Menstrual Irregularity
Background: The myometrium at the location of the CS (caesarean section) scars, also known as residual myometrium thickness (RMT), is larger after a double-layer uterine closure procedure than following a single-layer one. It may lessen the formation of a niche that is the myometrium’s disruption at the location of the scar of the uterus. Gynecological manifestations, obstetric problems in a future pregnancy and birth, and maybe subfertility are linked to thin RMT and a niche. Objective: To ascertain if double-layer unlocked closure of the uterus is better than single-layer one in terms of post-menstrual spotting and niche development following a first CS. Patients and Methods: In this randomized clinical study, 287 patients were evaluated for qualifying. Of all eligible individuals, 57 patients were excluded from the study based on the inclusion criteria. Results: The variation in ages, gestational age, body mass index (BMI), and cesarean section indications between the two assigned groups is statistically insignificant. However, postmenstrual spotting was statistically significantly more common in single-layer group compared to in double-group. The current study revealed ultrasound findings suggestive of niche formation was statistically significantly more common in single-layer group compared to in double-layer group. Conclusion: As evident from the current study, it demonstrates the advantages of double-layer unlocked closure of the uterus over single-layer one in terms of post-menstrual spotting and niche development following first-time cs. Thus, we deduced that fewer niches are formed, and fewer menstrual spotting occurs in the presence of double unlocked layers closure. To ascertain the impact of uterus closure method on post-operative niche development and the risk of obstetrics and gynaecological problems, further prospective trials with extended follow-up periods are required.
Mohamed SamyEsraa Hussein Fouad GhoneimyWalid Hitler
结合沈海高速路侧波形梁护栏现状,提出一种双层双波护栏提质升级的改造方案,并利用计算机仿真模拟与实车碰撞试验对双层双波改造护栏的安全性能进行验证。采用经实车碰撞试验校核的仿真有限元模型,建立实车碰撞试验护栏和双层双波护栏的车辆-护栏碰撞仿真模型,模拟“车辆-护栏”碰撞过程,计算护栏的阻挡功能、导向功能、缓冲功能以及变形相关指标,分析双层双波护栏与实车碰撞试验护栏防护性能的差异,结果表明:防护等级安全性能各项指标均满足规范要求;双层双波护栏对中型客车和中型货车的阻挡功能指标优于实车碰撞试验护栏,小型客车碰撞双层双波护栏后顺利导出,双层双波护栏改造结构防护等级能够达到A级(160 kJ);现场实施时应对原护栏结构尺寸、基础以及力学性能指标等参数进行复核,并确保护栏的改造施工满足相关标准规范的要求。
针对用于智能可穿戴设备的柔性应变传感器所存在的问题,提出一种通过使用逐层(LBL)组装技术和借助激光钢网模具在上导电层表面制造出规则裂纹结构的方法制备出基于双层导电结构(石墨烯/水性聚氨酯(GR/WPU)层和炭黑/水性聚氨酯(CB/WPU)层)的柔性应变传感器。该传感器具有高灵敏度系数(GF为466~1569)、宽工作范围(高达100%的应变)、出色的耐久性(1000次)、低检测极限(0.25%的应变)、快速响应时间(86 ms)以及良好的回弹性等优良特性,这使传感器不仅可以精确检测由于大幅度关节运动产生的信号,还可以对细微的生理信号进行实时监测,在未来的电子皮肤、人机互动和智能可穿戴设备领域具有广阔的应用前景。
Electric-double-layer-gated 2D transistors for bioinspired sensors and neuromorphic devices被引量:2
Electric double layer(EDL)gating is a technique in which ions in an electrolyte modulate the charge transport in an electronic material through electrical field effects.A sub-nanogap capacitor is induced at the interface of electrolyte/semiconductor under the external electrical field and the capacitor has an ultrahigh capacitance density(~μF cm-2).Recently,EDL gating technique,as an interfacial gating,is widely used in two-dimensional(2D)crystals for various sophisti-cated materials characterization and device applications.This review introduces the EDL-gated transistors based on 2D materials and their applications in the field of bioinspired optoelectronic detection,sen-sing,logic circuits,and neuromorphic computation.
Xiangde LinYonghai LiYanqiang LeiQijun Sun
Wideband radar cross-section reduction by a double-layer-plasma-based metasurface
Reduction of the radar cross-section(RCS) is the key to stealth technology. To improve the RCS reduction effect of the designed checkerboard metasurface and overcome the limitation of thinlayer plasma in RCS reduction technology, a double-layer-plasma-based metasurface—composed of a checkerboard metasurface, a double-layer plasma and an air gap between them—was investigated. Based on the principle of backscattering cancellation, we designed a checkerboard metasurface composed of different artificial magnetic conductor units;the checkerboard metasurface can reflect vertically incident electromagnetic(EM) waves in four different inclined directions to reduce the RCS. Full-wave simulations confirm that the doublelayer-plasma-based metasurface can improve the RCS reduction effect of the metasurface and the plasma. This is because in a band lower than the working band of the metasurface, the RCS reduction effect is mainly improved by the plasma layer. In the working band of the metasurface,impedance mismatching between the air gap and first plasma layer and between first and second plasma layers cause the scattered waves to become more dispersed, so the propagation path of the EM waves in the plasma becomes longer, increasing the absorption of the EM waves by the plasma. Thus, the RCS reduction effect is enhanced. The double-layer-plasma-based metasurface can be insensitive to the polarization of the incoming EM waves, and can also maintain a satisfactory RCS reduction band when the incident waves are oblique.
Influence of secondary lining thickness on mechanical behaviours of double-layer lining in large-diameter shield tunnels
In large-diameter shield tunnels,applying the double-layer lining structure can improve the load-bearing properties and maintain the stability of segmental lining.The secondary lining thickness is a key parameter in the design of a double lining structure,which is worth being explored.Based on an actual large-diameter shield tunnel,loading model tests are carried out to investigate the effect of the secondary lining thickness on the mechanical behaviours of the double lining structure.The test results show that within the range of secondary lining thicknesses discussed,the load-bearing limit of the double-layer lining increases with growing secondary lining thickness.As a passive support,the secondary lining acts as an auxiliary load-bearing structure by contacting the segment.And changes in secondary lining thickness have a significant effect on the contact state between the segment and secondary lining,with both the contact pressure level and the contact area between the two varying.For double-layer lining structures in large-diameter shield tunnels,it is proposed that the stiffness of the secondary lining needs to be matched to the stiffness of the segment,as this allows them to have a coordinated deformation and a good joint load-bearing effect.
Shimin WangXuhu HeXiaoyu PengYa WangZhengxin LiZihan
Sensitivity of optimal double-layer grid designs to geometrical imperfections and geometric nonlinearity conditions in the analysis phase
This study focuses on exploring the effects of geometrical imperfections and different analysis methods on the optimum design of Double-Layer Grids(DLGs),as used in the construction industry.A total of 12 notable metaheuristics are assessed and contrasted,and as a result,the Slime Mold Algorithm is identified as the most effective approach for size optimization of DLGs.To evaluate the influence of geometric imperfections and nonlinearity on the optimal design of real-size DLGs,the optimization process is carried out by considering and disregarding geometric nonlinearity while incorporating three distinct forms of geometrical imperfections,namely local imperfections,global imperfections,and combinations of both.In light of the uncertain nature of geometrical imperfections,probabilistic distributions are used to define these imperfections randomly in direction and magnitude.The results demonstrate that it is necessary to account for these imperfections to obtain an optimal solution.It’s worth noting that structural imperfections can increase the maximum stress ratio by up to 70%.The analysis also reveals that the initial curvature of members has a more significant impact on the optimal design of structures than the nodal installation error,indicating the need for greater attention to local imperfection issues in space structure construction.


研究主题:SIOC 密度泛函理论 低介电常数介质 FTIR FILMS
研究主题:钢桥面铺装 钢桥面 环氧沥青 环氧沥青混凝土 桥面铺装
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研究主题:大白菜 结球甘蓝 急性毒性 易位系 不结球白菜
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