本文以浙江省衢州市为研究对象,为进一步促使衢州市的居民收入分配差距继续减小,以巩固共同富裕的发展基础,我们需要深入研究其形成机制和影响因素。因此,本文通过分析影响收入差距的因素,确定7个影响衢州市居民收入分配差距的因素并进行实证分析,收入分配差距指标采用农村居民人均纯收入与城镇人均可支配收入之比。为更具体地反映这些因素对衢州市的收入分配差距的影响效果,先采用格兰杰因果检验哪些因素与收入分配差距有因果关系,进而采用稳健回归对其进行分析,得出经济增长水平、政府宏观调控能力、产业结构升级和对外开放程度对衢州市居民收入分配差距有显著影响。本文根据检验结果针对性地提出政策建议,为降低浙江省衢州市居民收入分配差距提供参考。This paper takes Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province as the research object. In order to further reduce the income distribution gap of residents in Quzhou City and consolidate the development foundation of common prosperity, we need to deeply study its formation mechanism and influencing factors. Therefore, by analyzing the factors affecting the income gap, this paper identifies seven factors affecting the income distribution gap of residents in Quzhou City and analyzes them empirically. The income distribution gap index adopts the ratio of rural residents’ per capita net income to urban per capita disposable income. In order to more specifically reflect the impact of these factors on the income distribution gap in Quzhou City, Granger causality test is first adopted to test which factors have a causal relationship with the income distribution gap, and then robust regression is adopted to analyze them, and it is concluded that the level of economic growth, the government’s macro-control ability, the upgrading of the industrial structure, and the degree of opening up to the outside world have a significant impact on the income